"Transform and Ascend to the Life You Love!"







With Dr. V

WHolistic Intuitive Quantum Healing Practitioner


We first need to define what quantum is... so, according to the physics definition by Oxford Languages: Quantum is a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. In simple terms it's the frequency level field of creation which includes the Law of Attraction that completely surrounds us.

I simplify this for a reason otherwise this will turn into a book! We access the quantum field when we desire to create and attract what we desire in our lives whether consciously or unconsciously. We do this through our thoughts, feelings and words that we speak. As we blend our thoughts with feelings, we create emotions (emotions = energy in motion). When our thoughts become emotions it's as if we are breathing the breath of life into that which we desire or not! Yes, it can work both ways! This emotion accesses the quantum field and ignites whatever we have just created.

To give you an example: Have you ever noticed people who seem to be their own worst enemy OR others that just seem to manifest everything wonderful in life that they desire? Why such a difference? Are they just more lucky or more loved? I invite you to take a closer look at their thought processes and what they speak! I had a pastor once who often would say, You are the total of your talking yesterday! What comes out of your mouth when your bucket gets bumped is what you're full of! Such words of wisdom, I wonder if he truly understands how accurate his statements are. It's for this very reason that countless books of ALL kinds of spiritual practices seem to have this common cautionary thread to guard your hearts & minds and be careful/conscious of what you think on and speak.

If things aren't complicated enough, we not only have the conscious mind to contend with but also the subconscious, unconscious and superconscious aspects of our minds as well! Depending on whose author or teacher you learn from, our conscious mind only consists of about 2-10% of what we are consciously aware of in the awakened state, so that means 90-98% of our minds we're not even consciously aware of! Yet, this is the windows program that is running things in our lives especially our creative processes.

So now this is where things get really exciting!

Keeping with everything said so far, EVERY thought you've had that has become an emotion creates an element, good or bad, positive or negative!!! That element has a frequency and through the universal Law of Attraction, goes out and gathers as much of that frequency as it can and returns to you, its creator. Questions to ponder hereā€¦ Have the same things been repeating in your life? Are you attracting the same type of people or situations in your life? Is your life filled with self-fulfilling prophecies that you don't desire? Too often I've seen good folk blame everything negative in their lives on negative forces when MOST (not all) of it is their own creations that have returned home to their creator. Ponder that for a moment!

Science & research can now prove that certain organs & tissues of the body will vibrate at certain same emotional frequencies and thus attract these elements back to the body. This creates what is known as a neuro-emotional complex (NEC). Your body is a highly sophisticated antenna and when enough gather in certain areas of your body, it then becomes an antenna to magnetically attract that frequency due to the universal Law of Attraction. This is the pathway to dis-ease in the body and left unchecked or dealt with will eventually lead to disease. This is the theory of epigenetics. (For more information on this topic see the link below.)

How do we dissolve these?

Using the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto The Hidden Messages in Water, we learned that love & gratitude holds the highest creative frequency and by applying the genius work of Dr. Darren Weissman, LifeLine Technique®, Advanced Quantum Healing, through many years of experience has uniquely modified and streamlined the technique thereby amplifying the results! Using muscle kinesiology, we access the quantum field to identify the NEC(s), dissolve it with the high frequency of love & thankfulness and support the body's energetic healing processes with optimal nutrition!

The exciting news is YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR WORLD!!! It's time to take responsibility for your creations in your life right now, whether it's your health, wealth, love relationships etc. Advanced Quantum Healing specializes in removing these NEC blocks thereby helping YOU to create the change you desire so don't wait, you've already done that and its not serving you! Take action for change and make your appointment today!